3 Pints Please – The Office

Join THL in the Hen House not once but twice a week! Thursday’s episode is free and now you can subscribe to get an exclusive members-only Monday episode called “3 Pints Please” which is ad-free. “3 Pints Please” will see Tommy, Hector, and Laurita move from The Hen House to local pubs and have the craic over…3 pints. You also get access to over 100 previous members-only episodes. Signing up is quick and easy, simply click HERE.

Our latest episode of “3 Pints Please” was recorded in the Office Bar, Salthill, Galway.

Further reading

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Members Only: 3 Cans Please

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Strong Coffee, Stem Cells, and No Shoulders. 

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3 Pints Please – The Henhouse

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